Honoring loved ones

Members Loved OnesSteeple Lighting

By lighting our church steeple in memory or in honor of loved ones, you can help our church financially. Contact the church office (781-665-2111 or info@fccmelrose.org) to sign up for a week beginning on a Sunday. Your gift will be announced in the Sunday Bulletin and “The Messenger.” A $25.00 per week contribution is suggested.

Memorial Flowers

There is a silk bouquet in the sanctuary at all times that can be displayed in memory. You can make a donation to the Flower Members - Loved OnesFund of $15 and those flowers can be in memory /honor of your loved one for a given Sunday. If you prefer, fresh flowers can be ordered for you. The cost for fresh flowers can be from $25 and up,   depending on the arrangement. After the service, fresh flowers can be taken by the donor, or if they prefer, they can be distributed to someone in the congregation that is sick or in need of an uplifting gift. If you would be interested in donating either type of flowers, please call or email the office at 781-665-2111 or info@fccmelrose.org.